Tina Talisa was born in Bandung, West Java, December 24, 1979, age 30 years are a host of Indonesian nationality. Previously he had worked as a dentist and a graduate of Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University, Bandung in 2001.
This is a bit under the following profiles and photos tina talisa:
Full Name: Tina Talisa
Nickname: Tina Talisa
Place, Date of Birth: Bandung, 24 December 1979
Last Education: Faculty of Dentistry University of Padjajaran, Bandung
If you want to see the beautiful and cute tv presenter, this the photos of Tina Talisa.
He is also a former Miss Indonesia 2003 finalist, the first winner fathers of West Java, 2003, and the first winner fathers Bandung, 2002, is a career as newcaster, originated from his interest in the world while working in radio broadcasting and Radio Mustika Paramuda. Tina was always there every afternoon in the Reporting afternoon, news programs on Trans TV. In June 2007, moved to Lativi that since 2008 it turned into a TV station with a focus on news and sports to name TV ONE as a news assistant producer cum presenter.
This is a bit under the following profiles and photos tina talisa:
Full Name: Tina Talisa
Nickname: Tina Talisa
Place, Date of Birth: Bandung, 24 December 1979
Last Education: Faculty of Dentistry University of Padjajaran, Bandung
Tina Talisa Presenter Cantik Birth Bandung, 24 December 1979 was a presenter, carrying indonesia event. Before a tv presenter tina talisa been a profession as a dentist. He was smart in the singing. Is that a presenter is a beautiful place finalist from the beauty that is Puteri Indonesia 2003, the winner of Mojang in West Jawa in 2003, and I Mojang Champion in 2002 in Bandung. Tina how to finally leave the job as a dentist to become TV presenter? Interest that arose when he worked in Radio and Radio Mustika Paramuda. Then Tina is often present at the event Reportase Sore, Program in Trans TV news, and he moved to Lativi (before changes to TV One) in June 2007 and now has changed its name to TVOne.
Tina Talisa is a daughter of the Minister of PPN / Head of Bappenas, Paskah Suzetta.If you want to see the beautiful and cute tv presenter, this the photos of Tina Talisa.
He is also a former Miss Indonesia 2003 finalist, the first winner fathers of West Java, 2003, and the first winner fathers Bandung, 2002, is a career as newcaster, originated from his interest in the world while working in radio broadcasting and Radio Mustika Paramuda. Tina was always there every afternoon in the Reporting afternoon, news programs on Trans TV. In June 2007, moved to Lativi that since 2008 it turned into a TV station with a focus on news and sports to name TV ONE as a news assistant producer cum presenter.
Now, he is the host of the program Apa Kabar Indonesia bersiaran routine night in Wisma Nusantara, Hotel Indonesia Roundabout area. Tina Talisa now lectures in the Master Program in Communication Studies at the Faculty of Communication University of Padjadjaran, Bandung.
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