This five-year-old boy would dare to face the crocodiles, even kill him. Unmitigated, crocodile who conquered it weighs 400 kg and 3.6 meters long. Almost 20 times its body that is still tiny.
Simon with his father, Scott Hughes, and hunting guide, Chuck Cotton, hunting wild animals in the area of East Texas, Saturday (26 / 9). Scott himself pocketed the alligator hunting license from the government. He was allowed to hunt two alligators from a total of 40 individuals crocodiles that live in the ranch area of 2,500 hectares of his property located near Lake Livingston.
The rule, alligators may only be caught using bait or using bows and arrows were shot. Scott and Cotton chosen to use a bait of meat they put in near the swamp where crocodiles used to live.
When they returned the next day, the trap had been wearing. There are those who eat the bait and take it to the bottom of the water as deep as 1 meter. They later learned that alligators that eat the bait is large.
Tim Hughes tied a rope to the car connection bait hunting. However, the crocodile pulled the car up to almost enter the water.
Finally, after repeatedly struggled and kicked and screamed, the alligator was seen to surface. Simon who is 1.5 m from the alligator immediately took arms 410 and shot him. Crocodile was dead. To be sure, Cotton added a shot that penetrated the edge of the crocodile's mouth.
Simon admitted surprised at the size of their catch animals. "But I'm not afraid. I immediately took my gun and shot him. Next year I'll shoot the alligator-size larger, "says Simon happy.
Local biologists estimate that crocodile weight reached 400 kg. According to him, very rare to find a crocodile with a weight of them. Weight record alligator ever captured only 350 kg.
Simon learn to drive a vehicle hunting and shooting since he was four years old. Neither father nor mother, Toni, do not worry Simon holding a weapon. He learned to know the weapon since he learned to walk and stand.
"This weapon was introduced as a tool that is safe to handle. We do not think a weapon as a toy or something that is used in video games, "said Scott.
In addition to hunting crocodiles, Simon has ever followed a pigeon hunting. Polk County Sheriff Kenneth Hammack, who was hunting with Simon, praised him. "The shot just right, consider young age. Of course, we always watched the things kids do. But he has learned a lot from his father, "said Hammack.