used for ships of war at close range, to set fire to enemy ships.
working principles, flammable oil is pumped, and then ignited in the discharge of oil.
MIRROR burner
large concave mirror that reflect sunlight into the enemy ship, then the enemy ship wason fire.
Functions the same as Crane's today. lever is rotated to lift pulley
associated with the load.
Like hydropower, but not rotate the armature. These machines play gear that is connected with a saw
water PUMp
if C in the lift / drag, the pressure in A is reduced, so that valve B open, A room wasfilled with fluid, when the C in the press, valve B is closed, and valve D is open, and go out the contents of the A
BOR Under Ground
used to take underground water. using Archimedes principle.
installed as an additional train. one round of gear (a) represents one mile. one lap to make a marble (c) exit. it means 1 marbles = 1 mile. used for warfare
Digunakan untuk mengukur jarak antar titik di bumi.
Example by Heron how to use the Dioptra to construct a tunnel through two opposite points in a mountain. Take a point close to the first entrance B and another point E. Then use the Dioptra to obtain the perpendicular line EF and through a set of other perpendicular segments get line segment KL the point M for which DM is perpendicular to KL, where D is the other opposite entrance point. Using DN and NB estimate the angle alpha necessary to connect points B and D.
disebut juga Antikythera. girnya digunakan untuk mengukur posisi matahari, bulan, dan mungkin benda langit lainnya. sampai saat ini para ilmuwan belum bisa menggunakannya.
fireball lit the altar, the pressure will pump hot water, pull the load, then rotate the door hinges..
photo above is the Pantheon, Roman buildings suspected of the first building made entirely of concrete. basic ingredients of concrete together with the current time immemorial. needed because the lightweight, waterproof, and strong.