When love can not be expressed by saying the word, you do not need to worry. There are still other ways how express love to your partner. Yes, you can use a sort of facebook social media to express your love. If you are too shy to kiss her when they met, your facebook you could be a medium to give a kiss to him.
The way is easy. Please follow these steps:
1. Open this link in your browser http://apps.facebook.com/fiturcbeaffbc
2. Log in with your facebook account
3. At number 1 Select a gift, give the dot in the kiss.
4. Select the recipient from the person or couple who want your kiss, and then press the Send the request.
5. If you do not want to kiss you known by another person, then click on the window passed to send a message to the wall.
6. The last click on Click Publish to publish post this gift to a friend's wall.

Done. You can check the results for yourself. Please see the profile of the person you send a kiss earlier. You will have the status of this kind.
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The way is easy. Please follow these steps:
1. Open this link in your browser http://apps.facebook.com/fiturcbeaffbc
2. Log in with your facebook account
3. At number 1 Select a gift, give the dot in the kiss.
4. Select the recipient from the person or couple who want your kiss, and then press the Send the request.
5. If you do not want to kiss you known by another person, then click on the window passed to send a message to the wall.
6. The last click on Click Publish to publish post this gift to a friend's wall.

Done. You can check the results for yourself. Please see the profile of the person you send a kiss earlier. You will have the status of this kind.
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